
Showing posts from February, 2023

Practicum Jijansir  

Physical Education report 1  

Observation of Model video lesson plan  

MCQs George sir  

Lifeskill George sir  

Composition Jijan Sir  

Elearning Platforms  


Capacity Building Prgm Stress  

Achievement test Question paper

Art & aesthetic edu Temple Visit


Art & aesthetic Edu Art Form

Diagnostic Test question paper


Last day of our Teaching Practice Phase 1


Art Form


Field Trip Report



*Reslilience through Solidarity* *‌Day 1* ( General theme introduction)       Inauguration       Staff cordinators- Tharamma, Smitha, Fr. Roy Abraham *‌Day 2*      ഏകഭാവ( We are each others Magnitude and bond)- Co. operation Staff cordinators - Asha,Ceena Stay :Lissy, Sojia, Rosamma *‌Day 3*       ആത്മ (Inhale Confidence)  Staff cordinators - Remya, Shirley, Surya Stay : Remya, Surya, Smitha ‌ *Day 4*        സംയുക്ത (Invisible threads are the strongest ties) - connectedness Staff cordinators - Lissy, Jijan *‌Day 5*       സ്ർഗ്ഗം ( Create with the heart, build with the mins) Staff cordinators - Sojia Laiji

8th WEEK(06/02/2023-10/02/2023)

My teaching practice of nineth week started from 6/2/2023 (Monday) to 10/2/2023 (Friday).  I marked my attendance on the register book and after the interaction with the headmaster I went to see my mentor teacher to interact. I got my record signed by the teacher. I got one class per day in these days. Also I went to 8 G and other classes for substitution. On 6/2/2023 there were no class for 8 G due to 10th preliminary examination. There were a campaign conducted in related to prohibition of drugs. On 7/2/2023 I got 3rd Period and I continued my topics. Also I went to substitution period. On 8/2/2023 I got 2nd period.  On 9/2/2023 I got 3rd period. On 10/2/2023 I got 3rd period in 8 G. It was the last day of phase 1 teaching practice. I conducted achievement test in 3rd period. Then I got 6th period as substitution in 8G and I distributed the answer sheets and discussed the question paper and cleared the doubts of the students. Everyday I reached the School around 9:15 a...

7th WEEK(30/01/2023-03/02/2023)

My teaching practice of sixth week started from 30/1/2023 (Monday) to 3/2/2023 (Friday).  I marked my attendance on the register book and after the interaction with the headmaster I went to see my mentor teacher to interact. I got my record signed by the teacher. I got one class per day in these days. Also I went to 8 G and other classes for substitution. On 30/1/2023. There were a silent prayer for Mahatma Gandhi and other freedom fighters of India. I got 7th period in 8G. I continued chapter Solitude stanza 2. On 31/1/2023 I got 3rd Period and I continued my topics  Solitude last stanza. Also I went to substitution period. On 1/2/2023 I got 2nd period.  On 2/2/2023 I got 3rd period. On 3/2/2023 I got 3rd period.  Everyday I reached the School around 9:15 am.   During this week I got 4 classes, the teacher came to observe my class and said what all improvements I need to make in my class to make it more effective.  I had a good experience duri...

6th WEEK(23/01/2023-27/01/2023)

My teaching practice of sixth week started from 23/1/2023 (Monday) to 27/1/2023 (Friday). I marked my attendance on the register book and after the interaction with the headmaster.I went to see my mentor teacher to interact. I got my record signed by the teacher. I got one class per day in these days. Also I went to 8 G and other classes for substitution. On 23/1/2023 I got 7th period in 8G. Today I started new poem by kamala Das that is My Grandmother's House (lines 1-5). On 24/1/2023 I got 3rd Period in 8G. I continued with the chapter My Grandmother's House (lines 6 to 16).  On 25/1/2023 I got 2nd period. I continued the chapter excersises.  On 26/1/2023 there were republic day programmes. On 27/1/2023 I got 3rd period in 8 G. I started a new chapter  named Solitude ( Stanza 1). Everyday I reached the School around 9:15 am.   During this week I got 4 classes, the teacher came to observe my class and said what all improvements I need to make in my class...

5th WEEK(16/01/2023-20/01/2023)

My teaching practice of fifth week started from 16/1/2023 (Monday) to 20/1/2023 (Friday).  On my first day I along with my friends met Headmaster of Mount Tabor Girls High School Pathanapuram and marked my attendance on the register book and after the interaction with the headmaster I went to see my mentor teacher to interact. I got my record signed by the teacher. I got one class per day in these days. Also I went to 8 G and other classes for substitution. On 16/1/2023 I got 7th period in 8G. I git three periods in 8G.I took the new chapter named The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare. I got a substitution in class 7C. On 17/1/2023 I got 3rd Period and I got 4 periods in 8G and I continued my topics. Also I went to substitution period. On 18/1/2023 I got 2nd period and also I got 3 substitution hours.I continued the lesson.  On l9/1/2023 I got 3rd period and I continued the lesson. On 20/1/2023 I got 3rd Period in class 8 G. Finally I completed the chapter. Eve...

4th WEEK(09/01/2023 - 13/01/2023)

My teaching practice of fifth week started from 9/1/2023 (Monday) to 13/1/2023 (Friday).  On my first day I along with my friends met Headmaster of Mount Tabor Girls High School Pathanapuram and marked my attendance in the register book and after the interaction with the headmaster I went to see English teachers to interact and signed my record. On 9/1/2023 I got 7th period in 8G. I started the chapter  The School for Sympathy.Also I went to 6 F on substitution. On 10/1/2023 I got 3rdPeriod and I continued my topics. Also I went to substitution. On 11/1/2023 I continued the chapter. On 12/1/2023 there were annual day celebration in the School. On 13/1/2023 the annual day celebration continued. Everyday I reached the School around 9:15 am.   During this week I got 3 classes, the teacher came to observe my class and said what all improvements I need to make in my class to make it more effective. I have continued the chapter The school for sympathy f...

3rd WEEK (14/11/2022-18/11/2022)

The second week was from 14/11/2022 (monday) to 18/11/2022 (friday).  On 14/11/22 I had 7th Period in 8 G. I took the chapter The Nightingale and the Rose. On 15/11/2022 I went school and completed my record works. I had 3rd period in 8G. On 16/112022 there was no class because of the funeral of Very Rev. Fr. C O Joseph Ramban.   On 17/11/2022 I had 3rd period. I continued my topic . And gave extra activities based on the topic. Also I got exam duty in class 10. On 18/11/2022 I got a substitution Period in 8 C. So I conducted a question answer session for the students based on the chapter Song of the Flower.Also I had 3rd period in class 8G. Everyday I reached the School around 9:15 am.    My concern teacher came and observed my classes and made appropriate suggestions. My peers also accompanied me and gave appropriate suggestions to me and supported me. I had a good experience during this week. Students as well as teachers were very cooperative and suppo...

2nd WEEK (07/11/2022 - 11/11/2022)

The second week was from 7/11/2022 (monday) to 11/11/2022 (friday).  On 7/11/22 I had 7th Period in 8 G. I took the portion of the chapter Song of the flower. My friends accompanied me to observe my class and they gave me appropriate suggestions. On 8/11/2022 I had 3rd Period in which I pick some of them to read the poem. On 9/112022 I had exam duty in 2nd Period. And also I had a chance to participate in the discussion based on curriculum framework. The discussion was based on several topics. Political leaders, health care workers, retired teachers and all teachers of Mont Tabor Girls High School were participated in the discussion. On 10/11/2022 I had 3rdperiodand I continued my topic. Also I went to other classes for substitution.  On 11/11/2022 I had 3rd Period. And I had exam duty in 9C. Everyday I reached the School around 9:15 am.  My concern teacher came and observed my classes and made appropriate suggestions.  I had a good experience during this week. S...


FIRST WEEK (03/11/2022  -  05/11/2022) My teaching practice started from 3/11/2022 and my first week was from 3/11/2022 (thursday) to 5/11/2022 (Saturday).  On my first day I along with my friends met Headmaster of Mount Tabor Girls High School Pathanapuram and submitted our attendance register book and after the interaction with the headmaster I went to see English teachers to interact as well as to get the particular classes to teach. I got 8 G in which English teacher of the class is chitra teacher. The teacher gave me portions. I got one class per day in the first 3 days. Also I went to other classes for substitution. On 3/11/2022 I got 3th period in 8G. It was my first experience. I took the chapter Song of the Flower. On 4/11/2022 I got 3rd Period and I continued my topics. On 5/11/2022 I got 3rd period. Everyday I reached the School around 9:15 am.   During this week I got three classes, the teacher came to observe my class and said what all impr...







YOGA class


Language education teaching English in India - Review